Week 4



This week we learn about and practice a different version of Full Sun Salutations, called Sun Salutation A, or Surya Namaskar A. Then we break down 2 more individual poses & a transition that we’ve seen in our practice thus far: Plank Pose, Cobra Pose, and Knee Pull-Through. Finally, I offer a Wind-Down Sequence that’s a perfect end to any physical Yoga or other exercise practice. If you have the time, it would be perfect to practice all of these videos in one continuous sequence. If not, it’s completely fine to work with the videos individually.

This week’s homework:

  • Continue practicing your 5 Rounds of Half Salutations Daily (ideally first thing the morning!)

  • Spend time practicing the individual poses: Plank Pose, Cobra Pose

  • Spend time practicing your transition from Downward Facing Dog to Lunge (both sides/legs for equal repetitions or equal amounts of time)

  • For extra credit, ha! Practice moving through the Traditional Sun Salutation (from last week) and Sun Salutation A