How Yoga Changed My Life - Amanda


Yoga began to change my life a little over 6 years ago. June of 2013, to be exact. It had been about a month since I had decided to quit drinking for good. I was overweight, out of shape, and ANGRY. I was angry that I wasn't going to drink anymore, angry that I was having to make changes in my lifestyle to accommodate this decision, and I was completely lost.

My family had joined the YMCA, and I knew that I would probably feel better if I tried to walk, or exercise (although I didn't want to! Anyone who knows me, knows that I DETEST the gym environment!). I went a couple of times, and I was mad about that too. Everything that I would try would make my body hurt, and make me feel like I was going to pass out.

My husband had recently found Tai Chi at the YMCA, and noticed that they also had yoga classes on the schedule. He had never been to yoga, and neither had I. He suggested that we go together on a Sunday afternoon, and begrudgingly, I agreed.

And that is when the magic happened.......For one hour, I was focused on trying to follow along, not thinking about being angry at the world for everything that I was angry about, or anything else for that matter! I couldn't do all of the poses, but I could do enough of them that I felt inspired.

For the first time, since I was a child, I was able to move my body in a way that did not hurt, or over-exert me. I was also amazed at how calm I felt when it was over. I remember the teacher taking us through a guided meditation that I feel RIGHT into. When my first savasana was over, I felt changed. I didn't know how or why, but I knew that I wanted to come back!

I eventually found my teacher who would end up teaching me to be a teacher (that's a lot of teachers, but in yoga, we never stop discovering new teachers, and we are always the student!). I bounced around to a couple of studios, and in Spring of 2016, I signed up to become a 200 hr RYT.

Talk about ANGRY! WHEWWWW! I was angry for 16 weeks, mostly because that training was forcing me to face some of the demons that were making me so angry in the first place. I learned so much about myself, the practice of yoga, healing, and loving all people, no matter what their experience had been.

When I taught my test class, the faces that said that they would come to support me were there in class. I think that I cried that whole day! I cried because I was nervous. I cried because friends showed up to take my class. I cried because friends who couldn't come to my test class sent me notes, words of encouragement. And, guess what, when my hour test class was over? YOU GUESSED IT! I fell in the floor and cried some more.

I was scared, I was proud, I was happy, and I was thankful that my test class was over. I told my husband that he couldn't come to my test class because he would make me too nervous.......he did actually come into the building while I was teaching, and left flowers for me at the desk. The person working that day brought them into the studio, and JUST WHEN I thought that I had pulled myself together, I cried some more.

3 years later, I am still a student, even when I am teaching. I learn something every time that I enter my yogic sanctuary (this is a mental place, by the way - I try to live yoga, not just "teach it."). Sometimes, that is in a class that I am teaching or taking. Sometimes, I learn something new when I meet with a friend outside of the studio. I read books, I take workshops, and I teach workshops. I LIVE yoga!

When I am practicing yoga, whether on my mat, or just simply allowing my mind to BE yoga, I am home. At home in my mind, at home in my body, and at home in this crazy world.

Yoga truly is for everyone, and every-BODY. -Amanda James

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